Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Madness & Math Reflections 4

Today we discussed last week's POW, Train Problems, the ACE 4.3 homework, and the new project that will be homework for the next two weeks, Holiday Madne$$. This project looks at proportions, percents, and credit cards, and provides an opportunity for students to "purchase" $10,000 in needs and wants, then find out what it is like to pay off a credit card bill. The handout for this new project can be downloaded here.

Parts of the project will be due in stages and most will be done as homework.

Part 1, Credit Card Design, is due Thursday, December 10.

Create a credit card that is proportional to a real credit card. Measure the width and length of a real credit card and apply a scale factor to create a new width and length (a similar rectangle). It should be carefully, creatively, and colorfully designed on poster board or unlined paper of some sort.

The credit card needs an account number, name, valid from and expires dates. It should also be different (either smaller or bigger) than but similar to a real credit card, and you should be able to tell us what the scale factor is.

Part 2, Making Purchases, is due Monday, December 14.

Part 3, The Bottom Line, is due Thursday, December 17.

We also discussed Math Reflections 4 (MR4), which can be downloaded here. Classnotes are available to read here.

Please answer MR4 questions 1-3 for homework if you did not finish them in class.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 8.

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