Monday, April 19, 2010

Unit Project: Dealing Down

Students will be playing the Dealing Down game and writing a report detailing their strategies for winning the game, while providing evidence of their understanding of:

1. Operating with positive and negative numbers
2. Order of operations
3. Commutative Property of addition and multiplication
4. Distributive Property of multiplication over addition and subtraction

The Dealing Down game is described on pages 76-77 of Accentuate the Negative. The handout with the assignment is here, the handout with the game cards is here, and the handout with the score sheet is here.

You will write a report that includes the following Criteria & Procedures:

• Title—“Dealing Down Report”
• Name on paper
• Typed report using size 12 standard font, or handwritten in black ink, skipping every other
line (in order to get the notation correct)
• Introductory paragraph with a topic sentence
• Four detailed supporting paragraphs
  1. Operating with positive and negative numbers
  2. Order of operations
  3. Commutative Property of addition and multiplication
  4. Distributive Property of multiplication over addition and subtraction
• Concluding paragraph
• Paragraphs include mathematical examples and explain strategies in detail
• Use correct mathematical vocabulary
• Use correct conventions
• Please use your imagination and creativity in writing your report.

First draft of report due Tuesday, May 4.

Please play 5 rounds of Dealing Down and record your scores on the score sheet tonight.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, April 20.

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