Thursday, January 28, 2010

Number puzzles, no new homework

We solved number puzzles today, with different clues and numbers for different groups. Class notes can be found here.

No new homework, but remember for the large group that the Football POW is due on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ACE 2.2: Sharing Pizza

In the large class, we finished discussing Problem 2.1, Making Juice. We found that for this problem, it made more sense to add up the concentrate and the water to figure out the whole, and then figure out fractions and then percents to compare the different recipes and how "orangey" they would be.

Then we talked about Problem 2.2, Sharing Pizza. For this problem, it made more sense to compare ratios, and parts to parts, since we are asking for the amount of pizza per person. Adding up people and pizza doesn't make sense, so you don't use fractions. Class notes may be downloaded here.

ACE 2.2 Homework

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 4-5 and 22 on pages 25-29

Option 2
Problems 4, 14, 18, and 22 on pages 25-29

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

Today students met with Cory and went over homework, then worked on using cross-multiplication fractions with the Skills: Ratios & Fractions.

7A Small group Homework
Finish Skills: Ratios & Fractions, and complete Math Reflections 1a-d (not 2) on page 17.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

Today students met with Cory and went over their Math Reflections homework, then looked at problem 25-33 on page 15, and worked on 2ACC1, the apple juice problem.

7B Small group ACE 2.1 Homework
Problem 2 on page 24.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ACE 2.1: Making Juice & ratios, fractions, and percents

Today I had to leave suddenly for a family obligation, so Javanne Golob and Maple Molina subbed for me in the large group. Cory taught the small group classes.

Students discussed Math Reflections 1 on page 17, and started problem 2.1, Making Juice. In the problem, students try different recipes of juice with different ratios of concentrate to water, and determine which is the most orangey. We will finish out discussion of the problem tomorrow. Class notes may be downloaded here.

ACE 2.1 homework for large group

Please finish Math Reflections 1, questions 1a-2d, on page 17. Also choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 1-3 and 9 on pages 24-26

Option 2
Problems 9-13 on pages 26-27

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27.

Today students went over their ACE 1.3 homework problems from yesterday and Problem 1.3, American Records. They worked on the Skill sheet "Percents, Fractions, & Decimals," and then went over problems 2 and 3 on the "Additional Practice" sheet.

7A Small Group Homework
Problem 9 on page 12

Today students went over their ACE 1.3 homework problems from yesterday and Problem 1.3, American Records. They went over problems 2 and 3 on the "Additional Practice" sheet and worked on the Skill sheet "Ratios & Fractions". They looked at Math Reflections 1.

7B Small Group Homework
Problem 9 on page 12 and Math Reflections 1 on page 17.

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27.

Monday, January 25, 2010

POW: Football

This week the large group can choose one to three of three different options to answer for their POW. The handout can be downloaded here.

Due Monday, February 1.

ACE 1.3: American Records

Today both groups did more work with ratios, fractions, percents, and differences to compare quantities.

The large group did an assessment on their ability to move between fractions, decimals, and percents. We compared our results from the pet survey, and then we talked about problem 1.3, where we compared record sized trees and people to each other. Class notes may be downloaded here for A group, here for B group.

For the large group ACE 1.3 homework, please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 8-10 on page 12

Option 2
Problems 10 and 36-41 on pages 12-16

The small group talked about
- How is a ratio different from a percent and from a fraction?
- How can you express something written as a ratio as a fraction?
Students practiced finding percents.

For the small group ACE 1.3 homework, please complete problems 8-10 on page 12.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ratios, Pet Survey, and ACE 1.2 Targeting an Audience

Today we did more work with ratios, as well as fractions, percents, and differences. Groups compared their results on their ACE homework, and we had a few more presentations of Stretching and Shrinking unit projects.

The small group started working on additional practice problem looking at ratios and comparisons with number of years spent doing different activities during your lifetime.

The large group worked on problem 1.2, deciding whether or not statements accurately reflected survey results, and judging whether the statement was effective or informative. Class notes for the large group can be downloaded here.

Both small and large groups in both classes participated in Pet Surveys.
7A had 15 cats, 7 dogs, 0 hamsters, 10 birds, 5 fish, and 1 snake/lizard/turtle.
7B had 7 cats, 7 dogs, 0 hamsters, 10 birds, 38 fish, and 1 snake/lizard/turtle.

Homework for both small and large groups is to complete the handout, which you can download here.

Due Monday, January 25.

ACE 1.2 homework for the large group:

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 4-5 and 7 on page 11

Option 2
Problems 5-7 and 35 on pages 11-15

Due Monday, January 25.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ACE 1.1: Ads that Sell

Today we had our first class in small and large groups. Students received their new math book, Comparing & Scaling: Ratios, Proportions & Percents. The big ideas of today's lesson were to explore strategies for presenting quantitative comparison information, and use the language of ratios.

The small groups met with Cory and went over writing ratios and practiced that skill using the handout here. The large group met with Sima and talked about the difference between ratios (which are comparisons of a part to a part) and fractions (which are comparisons of a part to a whole). Both groups worked on problems with survey data comparing preferences in taste tests, interpreting what statements we read in ads might mean; the small group worked on the problem here, and the large group worked on the problem 1.1 in the book. Some students brought in ads for extra credit that used quanitative information to sell their products, and we took a look at those ads as well.

No homework for the small groups.

For the large groups, please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 1-2 and 11 on pages 10-13

Option 2
Problems 1, 11-12, and 34 on pages 10-15

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 21.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Assignment Checklists, Parent Letters

It was good to see everyone again for math after so many weeks! Students did a great job presenting their Stretching and Shrinking unit projects.

Students also heard about plans to start small group work in our math classes 3 days a week with our learning specialists Cory Semonsen and MaryBeth Ventura. Letters to parents were handed out with details about the new plans, as well as with information about the new unit we are starting tomorrow, Comparing & Scaling: Ratios, Proportions, & Percents. You can download the letter at the links above.

For homework, students should go through their notebooks and fill out as much as possible of the assignment checklist as they can. Any problems of the week, math reflections, or corrected quizzes already turned in are at school in your file. You can download a copy of the handout here.

For extra credit, students can bring in an advertisement that uses quantitative survey data comparing their product to other products. An example would be: "5 out of 6 dentists recommend ShinyWhite toothpaste!"

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 20.