Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ACE 2.2: Sharing Pizza

In the large class, we finished discussing Problem 2.1, Making Juice. We found that for this problem, it made more sense to add up the concentrate and the water to figure out the whole, and then figure out fractions and then percents to compare the different recipes and how "orangey" they would be.

Then we talked about Problem 2.2, Sharing Pizza. For this problem, it made more sense to compare ratios, and parts to parts, since we are asking for the amount of pizza per person. Adding up people and pizza doesn't make sense, so you don't use fractions. Class notes may be downloaded here.

ACE 2.2 Homework

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 4-5 and 22 on pages 25-29

Option 2
Problems 4, 14, 18, and 22 on pages 25-29

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

Today students met with Cory and went over homework, then worked on using cross-multiplication fractions with the Skills: Ratios & Fractions.

7A Small group Homework
Finish Skills: Ratios & Fractions, and complete Math Reflections 1a-d (not 2) on page 17.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

Today students met with Cory and went over their Math Reflections homework, then looked at problem 25-33 on page 15, and worked on 2ACC1, the apple juice problem.

7B Small group ACE 2.1 Homework
Problem 2 on page 24.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

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