Thursday, March 25, 2010

Partner Quiz; No New Homework

Today all the students were together and took a Partner Quiz assessment about the addition and subtraction of integers with partners from their group.

No new homework.

Don't forget that the POW, The X/O problem, is due when we return, Tuesday, April 6. We will discuss the Rectangle Measure work then as well.

Have a wonderful spring break!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Math Reflections 2 & Rectangle Measure

We worked on Math Reflections 2 in class today, to consolidate all we have learned about adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. Then we started work on a measurement activity, Rectangle Measure. Students measured a rectangle with inches, centimeters, pennies, paperclips, beads, and the width of their index fingers. Homework is to finish these measurements, record them, and graph them. The handout may be downloaded here, and the class notes may be downloaded here.

Please answer questions 1-3 on Math Reflections 2 on page 41.

Study for Partner Quiz tomorrow!

Rectangle Measure Handout
Answer questions 1-3. You may use other small things to measure if you don't have beads, paperclips, or pennies.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, March 25.

Students worked with Cory today to firm up what they know about addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers. They completed Math Reflections 2 in class, and worked on ACE problem 30.

Study for Partner Quiz tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ACE 2.5, Coordinate Graphing

Today we reviewed subtraction with negative numbers, and had a mini-assessment of student understanding of negative variables in expressions. Students discovered that "-n" refers to the opposite of the value of n. So if -n = +8, then - (-8) = +8 and n= -8. We also talked more about the POW Rate problem about speed, because almost all of the students had the wrong answer! When in doubt, remember d = rt (dirt) or d=st (dust).

Then we worked on Problem 2.5, Coordinate graphing. We found that by adding negative numbers to both the x and y axes, you end up with 4 different quadrants. "Opposite" coordinates, whose coordinates are the opposite of the original coordinates, when connected by lines will pass through the zero. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.

ACE 2.5 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 27-29 and 34-36 on pages 36-39

Option 2
Problems 27-28, 34-36, and 42 on pages 36-40

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.

Small groups met with Cory today. They shared homework ACE 2.4, went over Problem 2.4, #C2 and D2, and practiced writing facts from fact families using the opposite operation. They went over rule for subtraction of integers (add the opposite) . Students worked on subtraction practice pages M and A. Students in group B started working on Problem 2.5, Coordinate Graphing.

Additional practice 2 (which can be downloaded here)
Problems 5,6, 8-14, 23 - 25

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.

Monday, March 22, 2010

POW: X/O Problem


Please answer both questions on the Problem of the Week, The X/O Problem. You may download the handout here.

Due Tuesday , April 6.

ACE 2.4, Fact Families

We shared our answers from the What are my Chances homework and the Problem of the Week, Rate Problems. Then we worked on Problem 2.4, Fact Families. By looking at simple fact families like 3 + 2 = 5, 2 + 3 = 5, 5-2 = 3 and 5-3 = 2, we can make similar fact families for problems involving negative numbers, allowing us to convert them into simpler problems to solve. We also used what we knew about the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction to solve for unknown variables in equations. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

ACE 2.4 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 17-19, 21-26 on pages 35-36

Option 2
Problems 18-19, 21-23, 25-26, and 41 on pages 35-40

Do not use a calculator!
Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23.

Students work with MaryBeth today. The shared homework ACE 2.3 and What are my Chances?
Then they reviewed their Addition and Subtraction of Integers Cards, and Fact Families. They discussed what is true about fact families: the numbers are exactly the same; they are made up of 2 addition and 2 subtraction facts; the addition facts are the same, but addends switched; you subtract each addend from the sum of the addition facts to find the subtraction facts.

Then students worked on Problem 2.4, Fact Families.

ACE 2.4
Problems 17 - 20, 22, 23a, 24-26 on pages 35-36.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What are My Chances?

Today in math we were all together with Sima. We talked about theoretical and experimental probability, and tested experimental probability with dice, coins, and cards. Students conducted experiments and recorded their results on the handout, which you can download here. Class notes may be downloaded for class 7A and class 7B.

Finish filling out the handout (above). You will not be able to do the table with the results from the entire class, so don't worry about that table.

Due Monday, March 22.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ACE 2.3 The +/- Connection

Today we reviewed counting numbers, natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers during our warm-up. Then we shared homework, discussed algorithms for subtraction from yesterday's problem, and talked about how there is no Commutative Property for subtraction, unlike addition. We had a mini-assessment to see how students are thinking about adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. Then we worked on Problem 2.3, The "+/-" Connection, on pages 28-29. Students noticed the relationship between addition and subtraction of integers:

Subtracting a positive number is like adding a negative number.
Subtracting a negative number is like adding a positive number.

These two facts can be quite useful in making problems easier to solve. By turning subtraction problems into addition problems, we don't have to come up with complicated algorithms for subtraction. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.

ACE 2.3 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 10-12 and 15 (a, b, e, f, i) & 16 (a, b, e, f, i) on pages 34-35

Option 2
Problems 10-11, 15 (a, b, e, f, i) & 16 (a, b, e, f, i), and 40 on pages 34-39

Do not use a calculator!
Due tomorrow, Thursday, March 18.

Students worked with Cory today. They shared the ACE 2.1 homework, made Subtraction and Absolute Value cards, then worked on Problem 2.3, The "+/-" Connection, on pages 28-29. Please see notes above for Large Group for more about that problem.

ACE 2.2 Homework

Problems 1a-h, 2, 3, and 10-12 on pages 32-34.

Do not use a calculator!

Due tomorrow, Thursday, March 18.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ACE 2.2 Introduction to subtraction of Integers

After a warm-up to review absolute value and opposites, we went over the last part of problem 2.1. We found that the Commutative Law of Addition says that the order of the addends in an addition problem doesn't matter: the sum is the same. We can use the Commutative Law of Addition with rational numbers (positive and negative integers and fractions) to make addition problems easier for us; for example, in some cases it may be easier to have a negative number first or second, if they are not the same sign.

Then we worked on problem 2.2, Introduction to subtraction of integers. Students found it much more challenging to write down algorithms for all the different cases in subtraction. We will talk more about this tomorrow. Class notes for may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

ACE 2.2 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 4-7 on page 33

Option 2
Problems 6-7 and 38-39 on pages 33-39

Do not use a calculator!
Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 17.

Today students reviewed Problem 1.4 with Cory, and worked on Problem 2.1, Introducing Addition of Integers. They created cards for the addition algorithm and the Commutative Property.

Finish Problem 2.1 on page 24
ACE 2.1 Homework
Problems 4-7 on page 33

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 17.

Monday, March 15, 2010

ACE 2.1 Introduction to Addition of Integers

Today we worked on Problem 2.1, Introducing Addition of Integers, coming up with algorithms (step-by-step plans) to add positive and negative numbers. Class notes can be downloaded for group 7A and group 7B.

ACE 2.1 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 1-3 and 30a, b, e, g, i on pages 32-37

Option 2

Problems 1-3 and 37 on pages 32-39

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16.

POW: Rate Problems due Monday, March 22.

Today MaryBeth worked with both small groups to review the integer and opposite numbers cards. Then students learned the chip model for positive and negative numbers, and looked at the idea of opposites using chips (cancelling). Students represented single integers using different combinations of chips, and solve addition and subtraction problems using chips.

Then students worked on Problem 1.4, In the Chips.

Finish Problem 1.4
To do tonight's HW you can use two different colored chips if you happen to have those at home, or even two different coins (nickels and pennies for example.) Just be sure to be clear about which represents positive integers and which represents negative integers. You can also draw the chip representations with red and green (or black) markers.

For problem E, please just use the chip method to solve the problems. You may draw your solutions, but you do not need to write the solution out in words!

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16.

POW: Rate Problems


Please choose 2 of the 3 questions on the Problem of the Week, Rate Problems, to complete. You may download the handout here.

Due Monday, March 22.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Math Reflections 1, Mathwizz Integer Practice, VoiceThread

We finished talking about problem 1.3, In the Chips, and how the chip board model helps us think about adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. We completed and discussed Math Reflections 1 on page 21 in class. Students practiced adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers at the Mathwizz web site. Then they commented on the video we watched Cosmic Voyage using a making thinking web site called Voicethread. Class notes may be downloaded here for 7A or 7B.

Finish Math Reflections 1 questions 1-2 on page 21.
Finish commenting on Cosmic Voyage on Voicethread.

Due Monday, March 15.

Cory worked on Math Reflections 1. We made cards for adding positive and negative numbers.
We worked on Additional Practice 16-25, and practiced at the Mathwizz web site.

Finish Math Reflections 1 questions 1-2 on page 21.
ACE 1.3 Homework: Problems 13-31, odd problems only.

Due Monday, March 15.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ACE 1.4 In the Chips

Today we worked on problem 1.4, In the Chips, and used a chip model for integers, in which red chips represent negative numbers and black chips represent positive numbers. Students also finished their conference preparations, reflecting on one strength and one challenge work. Sima met with a few students to go over their reflections. Class notes may be downloaded here.

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 32-37 on page 18

Option 2
Problems 35-38, and 52-54 on pages 18-20

Conference Prep.
Finish your reflection on Strength & Challenge Works.

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 10.

For students who would like more practice adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, check out this web site:

Cory was out but MaryBeth taught today. We did more work visualizing number lines, and practiced positive and negative moves on the visualized number line. Students made cards for: Integers and Change - + change (to the right), - change (to the left). We learned that changes have both a quantity and a direction (positive or negative). We went over problem 1.2, #F and the ACE 1.2 homework yesterday, and started Problem 1.3, What's the Change?

ACE 1.3 Homework

Problems 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30-31 on pages 17-18

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 10.

Monday, March 8, 2010

ACE 1.3 What's the Change?

Students turned in their Unit Test corrections and finished turning in the Unit Project, Paper Pool. They also discussed the ACE 1.2 homework. Students received more recent work, including tests, quizzes, and math reflections, to put into their portfolios. We started choosing works to discuss at parent-student-teacher conferences.

We also worked on Problem 1.3, What's the Change? Using starting temperatures, ending temperatures, and number lines, we figured out how to calculate the change in temperature. We found out that the change has 2 attributes: a value (like 140 degrees) and a direction (positive or negative. We practiced writing numbers sentences, or equations, for addition problems. Class notes may be downloaded for 7A or 7B.

ACE 1.3 Homework

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30-31 on pages 17-18
(Evens 20-30 plus 31)

Option 2
Problems 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 42-43 on pages 17-19
(Odds 21-31 plus 42-43)

Conference Prep.
Choose one strength & one challenge work to reflect on.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9.

Students worked with MaryBeth today. She collected Unit Test Corrections, student visualized the number line, located some positive and negative numbers on the visualized number line, and visualized the direction of positive and negative moves on the number line.

Students worked on Problem 1.2, From Sauna to Snowbank, and also did some work choosing Strength and Challenge Works to reflect on, to prepare for conferences.

1. Finish Portfolio Reflections
2. Finish Problem 1.2 on p. 10
3. ACE 1.2, p. 16, 9-19

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9.

1. Finish Portfolio Reflections
2. ACE 1.2, p. 16, 9-19

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Unit Test Corrections & Conference Prep.

Today we all met together and went over the Unit Test answers and did more preparation for conferences. Class notes may be downloaded here (7A and 7B).


Please look at the problems marked with arrows on the Unit Test, and try again. You may use your notes, math book, and help from others. Please make your corrections in colored pencil! I will not accept corrections made in regular pencil, or erasing your work, because it is important to make your thinking before and after visible.

Corrections to the Unit Test are due Monday, March 8.

If you would like an extension, you may turn it in on Monday, but you will need to do an especially good job to make up points, since projects turned in late will not get full points.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ACE 1.2 From Sauna to Snowbank & Paper Pool

We talked about extremes of temperature, and how thermometers are a type of vertical number line. We worked on Problem 1.2, From Sauna to Snowbank, using number line models to answer each of the questions. For many students, using a representation like a number line was much harder than solving the problems themselves, but this is good practice for more complicated problems, as well as for graphing of all kinds. Class notes may be downloaded here for 7A or 7B.

Students who finished early worked on their Unit Projects, Paper Pool. We went over the requirements again.

· Title
· Name
· Date

12 point black font, double spaced
neatly handwritten, skipping lines

· Rules to predict number of hits
· Rules to predict pocket it will drop in
· Clear reasoning and examples to describe each rule
· Easy to follow, clearly organized report
· Handouts completed with drawings (although spreadsheet can substitute for the tables)

Unit Project: Paper Pool is due tomorrow.

ACE 1.2 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 9, 11-12, 14, 18-19 on pages 16-17

Option 2
Problems 10-11, 17-19, 41, and 50 on pages 16-20

Due tomorrow, Thursday, March 4.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ACE 1.1 Math Fever & Accentuate the Negative

Today we discussed the Conference prep homework and the POW, Logic Puzzle. Students turned in their old books and received books for our new unit, Accentuate the Negative. We had an introduction to integers (whole numbers and their opposites, which sum to zero, including zero) and rational numbers (integers as well as fractions and their opposites, these numbers can be expressed as an integer divided by another integer, except zero).

Students worked on Problem 1.1, Playing Math Fever, which looks at positive and negative scores from a Jeopardy like game. Click the class name to download class notes here (7A or 7B).

Please choose one of the options below to complete.

Option 1
Problems 5-8 and 48 on pages 16-20

Option 2
Problems 6-8, 39, and 48 on pages 16-20

Give your parents the letter describing the new unit! You can download the letter here.

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 3.

Students finished their Unit Tests. Then they worked with Cory on the introduction to Accentuate the Negative (see above), and positive and negative numbers.

No homework tonight.

Please give your parents the letter describing the new unit! You can download it here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Conference Prep, Unit Test, and more Paper Pool Unit Project

Today we went over the Looking Back, Looking Ahead homework, to make sure we were clear on the answers. Small groups worked with MaryBeth, large groups with Sima. Then we went over the new homework (below), and we took the unit test.

New homework to prepare for the Parent-Student-Teacher conferences on March 11 and 12 was given out. This asks you to look at strengths and challenges in math, since the last conference, focusing on the last 2 units: Stretching & Shrinking and Comparing & Scaling. Please fill out the handout with strengths and challenges with things, ideas/concepts, and skills as specifically as possible. Below are some examples.

Things: homework, quizzes, projects; be specific: which ones?

Ideas/concepts: setting up a proportion, making a comparison statement, that similar figures have equal angles and corresponding sides related by a scale factor

Skills: solving a proportion with scale factors or cross multiplication, solving for a missing side length, graphing a figure using coordinate information, writing equations

You may download a copy of the handout here.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2.

We also discussed the Unit Project, Paper Pool, which is due this Thursday, March 4. I showed examples of tables and graphs for the project. We discussed that these should be graphed with one dimension (height or width) constant and this indicated in the title of the graph, the other dimension on the x axis, and the number of hits on the y axis. An example graph in PowerPoint may be downloaded here, and class notes may be downloaded here.