Today we reviewed subtraction with negative numbers, and had a mini-assessment of student understanding of negative variables in expressions. Students discovered that "-n" refers to the opposite of the value of n. So if -n = +8, then - (-8) = +8 and n= -8. We also talked more about the POW Rate problem about speed, because almost all of the students had the wrong answer! When in doubt, remember d = rt (dirt) or d=st (dust).
Then we worked on Problem 2.5, Coordinate graphing. We found that by adding negative numbers to both the x and y axes, you end up with 4 different quadrants. "Opposite" coordinates, whose coordinates are the opposite of the original coordinates, when connected by lines will pass through the zero. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.
ACE 2.5 Homework
Please choose one of the options below to complete.
Option 1
Problems 27-29 and 34-36 on pages 36-39
Option 2
Problems 27-28, 34-36, and 42 on pages 36-40
Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.
Small groups met with Cory today. They shared homework ACE 2.4, went over Problem 2.4, #C2 and D2, and practiced writing facts from fact families using the opposite operation. They went over rule for subtraction of integers (add the opposite) . Students worked on subtraction practice pages M and A. Students in group B started working on Problem 2.5, Coordinate Graphing.
Additional practice 2 (which can be downloaded here)
Problems 5,6, 8-14, 23 - 25
Due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.
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