LARGE GROUPStudents took a mini-assessment using the terms factors, divisors, product, multiples, and divisible by.
Then students did a Think-Pair-Share on Math Reflections 3, to consolidate what we know about multiplying and dividing integers.
Finally, students brainstormed all the measurement terms they could think of, and in small groups categorized and labeled them as to what they measure. Students thought of measurements for length, area, volume, mass, time, temperature, brightness, sound, earth movement/vibration, power, data storage, etc.
We discussed the metric system, and students learned how to convert from one unit to the other within the metric system, for example, from kilometers to meters. Class notes may be downloaded here for
class 7A or
class 7B.
LARGE GROUP HOMEWORKFinish Math Reflections 3, questions 1-3 on page 59.
Finish Metric Conversions handout, which you can download
tomorrow, Thursday, April 15.SMALL GROUPSStudents worked with Cory today to practice word and number problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of positive and negative numbers.
SMALL GROUP HOMEWORKFinish Math Reflections 3, questions 1-3 on page 59.
tomorrow, Thursday, April 15.