Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Class: Math Games!

We met all together today for our last 7th grade math classes of the year.

First students shared their homework, and we finished talking about Problem 1.3, Playing the Multiplication Game. Students decided that the game wasn't fair, because 3/4 of the time the products of 2 dice will be even, whereas only 1/4 of the time the products of 2 dice will be odd.

Then we looked at the game of chance Skunk. Students calculated the chances of rolling two ones (snake eyes!) and of rolling one one, and losing their points in the game. Then we played Skunk, and learned the new game Pico, Fermi, Bagels. Class 7B played some other math games with partners to end the session. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

If you still have outstanding homework, I will be checking in with you to turn it in this week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer! Thanks for a great year in math.

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