Tuesday, November 3, 2009

7A & 7B: Business Planning Project; 7B: Parent Letter

The 7A and 7B classes presented their business plans today, except for a few groups with students absent because of illness. The projects were varied in nature, with creative ideas ranging from cafes, shoes, electric guitars, cupcakes, and make-your-own t-shirts. Students who presented should complete their self- and peer-assessments of their project; a copy of the rubric, which you received October 26, is available to download here in case you lost it.

The 7B class began looking at what happens when one enlarges or reduces an image, and what "similarity" means in geometry. We began a new unit, and students received a letter describing the unit that they should give to their parents. The letter is also available to download here.

Both should be complete by tomorrow, Wednesday, November 4.

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