Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Scale & Scientific Notation

Today Cory and MaryBeth were not here, so we had math class together. In 7A, we checked homework, and the large group discussed our answers for problem 3.3. In 7B, we just checked homework.

Then we talked about scale, very large numbers, and powers of 10. We watched a video called Cosmic Voyage, that portrayed the size of the universe moving away from human scale out 26 powers of 10, and then portrayed very tiny things (smaller than an atom) moving in many powers of 10. You can see the video here.

Then we talked about scientific notation, as a way to write very small and very large numbers. We looked at the web site, The Scale of the Universe, that allowed us to zoom out interactively. It is worth playing this at home to see how small theoretical strings that make up matter are, and how large the universe is. Using handouts (you can download page 1 or page 2) we practiced writing very small and large numbers in scientific notation.

Class notes for 7A are here, and class notes for 7B are here.

7A Large Group ACE 3.3 Homework
Problems 9, 11 and 24-26 on pages 41-45.
Due tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9.

7A & 7B Homework (Large & small group)
Either page 1 or page 2 of the scientific notation work.
Due tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9.

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