Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Math Reflections & Fill'R Up

We shared or worked on homework today, then worked on Math Reflections 3, which is included at the bottom of yesterday's Homework handout, which you can download here. Then we worked on a problem looking at the relationship between volume and scale factor in rectangular prisms. In Stretching & Shrinking, we found that the perimeter of two similar figures changed with the scale factor, but that the area of two similar figures changed with the square of the scale factor. In this problem, using the Purple Prisms Applet, we found that the volume of two similar prisms changes with the cube of the scale factor. Class notes may be downloaded here.

No more math this week. Have a great rest of the week and long weekend!

1. Finish Math Reflections 3, which you can download here.
2. Study for Quiz on Tuesday, June 1.
3. Make up any missing homework.

Due Tuesday, June 1.

Today was Cory's last day with the students; she will be leaving to start an internship in June. Students shared their Math Reflections 1 homework and worked on Problem 2.1 and 2.2 in class. You can download Problem 2.1 and 2.2. here.

No more math this week. Have a great rest of the week and long weekend!

1. Finish Problem 2.2, which you can download here.
2. Finish Math Reflections 2, which you can download here.
3. Study for the Quiz Tuesday.
4. Make up any missing homework.

Due Tuesday, June 1.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ACE 3.4 Making a New Juice Container

Today students generated formulas for surface areas and volume of cylinders and prism. Then they worked on Problem 3.4, Making a New Juice Container, which you can download here. They designed nets for boxes (prisms) on centimeter graph paper that would have the same volume as the can. A variety of boxes resulted! Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.

ACE 3.4 Homework

Option 1
Problems 18 and 20-22 on the handout.

Option 2
Problems 20-22 and 33-34 on the handout.

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 26. If you are too busy with the play, that's fine, you can definitely turn this in next week.

Students worked on Problem 1.4 (which you can download here) and ACE homework problem 12 (which you can download here).


Math Reflections 1 (which you can download here)
Group B: Finish ACE #12 (which you can download here)

Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 26. If you are too busy with the play, that's fine, you can definitely turn this in next week.

Monday, May 24, 2010

ACE 3.3 Making Cylinders & Prisms from Nets; Linear Equations

Students shared their ACE 3.2 homework, and we talked about the problem involving a room full of cylinders. Then we focused on nets and surface area of cylinders, with Problem 3.3, Making Cylinders & Prisms from Nets, which you can download here. Student groups designed nets to try to duplicate a cylinders they chose (salt shakers, glasses, etc.) and then they worked from nets (you can download the prisms and cylinder nets here) and calculated the surface area of the cylinder and 2 prisms, and their volume. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.

ACE 3.3
Option 1
Problems 15-17 on the handout, which you can download here.

Option 2
Problems 17 and 31-32 on the handout, which you can download here.
(Note that you already did problem 26!)

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25, if you are not busy with Play Practice.

Students did more work on Linear Equations with MaryBeth. They worked on Problem 7 on the handout which you can download here.

ACE 1.3
Finish Problem 7, do 8 and 9 on the handout which you can download here.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25, if you are not busy with Play Practice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ACE 3.2: Filling Cylinders and Linear equations

In large group today we did a warm-up identifying prisms and pyramids and solving some measurement problems. We talked about how to find the volume of triangular vs. rectangular prisms, multiplying the area of the Base by the height of the prism. And we also reviewed circles, and found that a little over 3 radius squares fit in the area of a circle.

Then we went over Problem 3.2, in which we compared the volume and surface area of two cylinders, one made of a sheet of paper the long, thin way (Tom), and one made out of the same size paper the short, fat way (Jerry). Students made conjectures about whether the cylinders would have equal volume, then tested to find out. They did the same with surface area. We found that the Jerry cylinder had a larger base circle area, and that the volume ended up being larger than the Tom cylinder, even though the Tom cylinder was taller. We also found that the Jerry cylinder had bigger surface area, because although the curved surfaces were equal, the Base area of Jerry was larger. The problem may be downloaded here, and class notes may be downloaded here.

We don't have another math class until next Monday. Have a great rest of the week!

ACE 3.2

Problems 2, 8-12, and 26 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due Monday, May 24.

Students worked with Cory today. They shared their answers from the Additional Practice homework, then work on parts A and B of Problem 1.3, Raising Money, which you can download here. Students also looked at Linear Equations like ax+b=c and ax=c, and how they show up on a graph, and how we can write them from story problems.

ACE 1.3

Problems 6 and 7 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due Monday, May 24.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Volume of Prisms & Linear Function Equations

Students completed a reflection about the ERB, answering these 3 questions:
1. What went well for you?
2. What was difficult?
3. Do you have any questions about any of the math on the test?

Then we discussed Problem 3.1, Filling Fancy Boxes, which you can download here. Student groups made 4 prisms with an increasing number of sides out the same size sheet of paper, with equal height, and compared their volumes and surface areas in different ways. Some groups filled them with unit cubes, others filled them with beans or lentils, and others made measurements and calculations.

We found that the conjecture that the volume increases as the number of sides of the prism increases was correct. Tomorrow we will discuss what happens to the surface area. Class notes may be downloaded here (class 7A, class 7B).

ACE 3.1 Homework

Problems 1 and 23-25 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18.

Students completed a reflection about the ERB, answering these 3 questions:
1. What went well for you?
2. What was difficult?
3. Do you have any questions about any of the math on the test?

Students worked with MaryBeth today on more about linear functions and equations, working on ACE 1.2, problems #3 h-j, 4, and 5 in Group A, and problems 3h-j and 4 in Group B. The problems can be downloaded here.

Goals for the class were:
1. To understand how rate shows up in a table and on a graph (the higher the rate, the steeper the line).
2. To write equations that can be used to calculate distance traveled in a given number of hours.
3. To use x and y as variables in the equation instead of d and t and understand why (independent and dependent variable).
4. To understand how rate shows up in an equation.
5. To solve equations for either x or y.

GROUP A: Additional Practice Investigation 1, problems 1-4 (which you can download here)
GROUP B: ACE #5 which you can download here; Additional Practice Investigation 1, problems 1-4 (which you can download here)

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3D Geometry & Linear Functions

Today the large group finished working on the packaging blocks problem. In the problem, students took 24 cubes and figured out how many different rectangular prisms (boxes) they could make, their dimensions, their surface area, and their volume. They found that long and skinny boxes had big surface areas, whereas short stubby ones that looked more like cubes had smaller surface area, and thus used less paper (more eco-friendly!). We also talked about prisms and pyramids. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

We also talked a bit about exponents and powers, examining patterns in the powers of 10 and powers of 3 with some Montessori materials that illustrate this well. Understanding square and cubic units relies on a good understanding of exponents and powers.

No homework tonight, but students should remember to bring a calculator with them tomorrow for ERB testing.

No math class until Monday; have a great weekend!

Students met with Cory today to continue work with Linear Functions. They worked on Problem 1.3 from Moving Straight Ahead, and on problems 1-7 on the Skill Sheet on Linear Relationships, which you can download here.

No homework tonight, but students should remember to bring a calculator with them tomorrow for ERB testing.

No math class until Monday; have a great weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Review of Graphs, Unit Test, Fraction Operations, Geometry; Small Group Linear Functions

The large group covered a lot of ground today. We shared homework analyzing graphs from the work we did Thursday. Then we discussed the Unit Test answers from the Accentuate the Negative unit. We had a quick review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, sharing strategies, including converting mixed numbers into improper fractions, and decomposing mixed numbers into whole plus fraction numbers using the distributive property. Finally, we talked a little more about 3 dimensional geometry, including pyramids and prisms. You can download class notes here for class 7A and class 7B.

No homework tonight. Get lots of rest for testing tomorrow. No math class till Wednesday.

The small groups met with MaryBeth today. Students shared homework analyzing graphs from the work we did Thursday. Then students reviewed coordinate graphing, including negative integer coordinates. We made a card about linear functions and linear graphing, and students started work on Problem 1.2, Linear Relationships in Tables, Graphs, and Equations.

No homework tonight. Get lots of rest for testing tomorrow. No math class till Wednesday.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Using Graphs to Interpret Information

Today all the students met together with Sima. Large groups received their Unit Tests back. We all talked about different kinds of graphs, and which kinds of graphs display certain kinds of information best. The graphs we discussed were bar graphs, pictographs, histograms, line graphs, pie graphs (also known as pie charts), and stem and leaf plots. Class notes may be downloaded here.

Please complete one of 3 handouts asking for interpretation of different graphs.

What's the Weather may be downloaded here; it asks for interpretation of one pictograph.
Name Your Tune may be downloaded here; it asks for interpretation of 4 different pictorgraphs.
History of Populations may be downloaded here; it asks for interpretation of 4 different pie graphs.

LARGE GROUP: Please make corrections to your Unit Test in colored pencil.

Due Monday, May 10. Have a great weekend, and don't forget to bring a calculator for ERB testing every day next week.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3D Geometry: Nets, Surface Area, and Volume

We talked about 3-dimensional geometry today. First we worked on a problem at a box factory, where Emma had to find all the possible nets (2 dimensional figures that can be folded into a box) that would create a cube; the problem can be downloaded here. Both classes found that there were 11 unique nets that can make cubes. Then we worked on another box problem where a factory wants to find all the possible boxes with volume 24 cubic inches possible. Students were reminded of a couple of formulas:

volume = length x width x height
surface area = 2 (length x width) + 2 (width x height) + 2 (length x height)

Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

Please complete problems 1-5 and 7-14 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, May 6.

The small groups worked with Cory today. Students received their Unit Tests and made corrections, going over their work with Cory, including a review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with fractions. Then they worked on some concepts in 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional geometry including terms often used on standardized tests.

Please make your corrections to the Unit Test in colored pencil, without erasing or scratching out your original answers.

tomorrow, Thursday, May 6.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Standardized Test Taking Skills

MaryBeth Ventura, our Learning Specialist, taught a lesson on Monday about standardized test taking skills. The ERB tests are not high-stakes criteria based test, but norm-referenced tests, which means results are compared to other students around the country who took the same test, rather than specifically on what the students at this school have been studying. The school uses the results of this test to look at what we cover in the curriculum, for example. Learning how to take standardized tests is a useful skill, since most students will be taking them in the future, for example, college entrance exams.

Students generated the following strategies to feel more prepared and less anxious before and during testing.

Before the test:

Stay calm
Don’t think about it too much
Move a little to get blood moving
Eat for energy (whole grains, protein)
Study—keep up in class
Listen to music on way to school
Self pep-talk/prayer
Get lots of sleep
Practice tests
Have materials ready

During the test:

Stay calm
Take your time/Don’t rush
Read the questions carefully
Read all the choices
Look for key terms
Eliminate obviously wrong answers
Make an educated guess (no penalty for guessing)
Preview whole test to pace yourself
Skip questions you’re stuck on and return if you have time
Look over your answers again at end

We also talked about techniques to reduce anxiety. Positive self-talk is the number one anxiety reducing technique. We also practiced two other techniques: tense & relax, and visualization with cupped eyes.

Finally, we talked about strategies specific to math standardized tests:
1. Read question & instructions carefully
2. Open up right files in your mind
3. Use scratch paper
4. Write down the information and quantities given
5. Write down the question to be answered
6. Draw a picture of the problem
7. Try to put quantities into an equation
(+, -, x, /, proportion)
8. Look for key terms
9. Estimate
10. Rule out & guess

In class on Tuesday we practiced taking a standardized test, and discussed our answers and strategies. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A or class 7B.

In class 7A we started working on a 3 dimensional geometry problem using nets, flat figures that can be folded and made into boxes. We reviewed some terms from geometry, including vertex, edge, area, surface area, volume, square, and cube. The problem we will continue working on tomorrow is to determine how many possible nets can make a cube.

No homework tonight for LARGE or SMALL groups.