We shared or worked on homework today, then worked on Math Reflections 3, which is included at the bottom of yesterday's Homework handout, which you can download here. Then we worked on a problem looking at the relationship between volume and scale factor in rectangular prisms. In Stretching & Shrinking, we found that the perimeter of two similar figures changed with the scale factor, but that the area of two similar figures changed with the square of the scale factor. In this problem, using the Purple Prisms Applet, we found that the volume of two similar prisms changes with the cube of the scale factor. Class notes may be downloaded here.
No more math this week. Have a great rest of the week and long weekend!
1. Finish Math Reflections 3, which you can download here.
2. Study for Quiz on Tuesday, June 1.
3. Make up any missing homework.
Due Tuesday, June 1.
Today was Cory's last day with the students; she will be leaving to start an internship in June. Students shared their Math Reflections 1 homework and worked on Problem 2.1 and 2.2 in class. You can download Problem 2.1 and 2.2. here.
No more math this week. Have a great rest of the week and long weekend!
1. Finish Problem 2.2, which you can download here.
2. Finish Math Reflections 2, which you can download here.
3. Study for the Quiz Tuesday.
4. Make up any missing homework.
Due Tuesday, June 1.
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