Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3D Geometry: Nets, Surface Area, and Volume

We talked about 3-dimensional geometry today. First we worked on a problem at a box factory, where Emma had to find all the possible nets (2 dimensional figures that can be folded into a box) that would create a cube; the problem can be downloaded here. Both classes found that there were 11 unique nets that can make cubes. Then we worked on another box problem where a factory wants to find all the possible boxes with volume 24 cubic inches possible. Students were reminded of a couple of formulas:

volume = length x width x height
surface area = 2 (length x width) + 2 (width x height) + 2 (length x height)

Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

Please complete problems 1-5 and 7-14 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due tomorrow, Thursday, May 6.

The small groups worked with Cory today. Students received their Unit Tests and made corrections, going over their work with Cory, including a review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with fractions. Then they worked on some concepts in 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional geometry including terms often used on standardized tests.

Please make your corrections to the Unit Test in colored pencil, without erasing or scratching out your original answers.

tomorrow, Thursday, May 6.

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