Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3D Geometry & Linear Functions

Today the large group finished working on the packaging blocks problem. In the problem, students took 24 cubes and figured out how many different rectangular prisms (boxes) they could make, their dimensions, their surface area, and their volume. They found that long and skinny boxes had big surface areas, whereas short stubby ones that looked more like cubes had smaller surface area, and thus used less paper (more eco-friendly!). We also talked about prisms and pyramids. Class notes may be downloaded here for class 7A and class 7B.

We also talked a bit about exponents and powers, examining patterns in the powers of 10 and powers of 3 with some Montessori materials that illustrate this well. Understanding square and cubic units relies on a good understanding of exponents and powers.

No homework tonight, but students should remember to bring a calculator with them tomorrow for ERB testing.

No math class until Monday; have a great weekend!

Students met with Cory today to continue work with Linear Functions. They worked on Problem 1.3 from Moving Straight Ahead, and on problems 1-7 on the Skill Sheet on Linear Relationships, which you can download here.

No homework tonight, but students should remember to bring a calculator with them tomorrow for ERB testing.

No math class until Monday; have a great weekend!

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