Monday, May 17, 2010

Volume of Prisms & Linear Function Equations

Students completed a reflection about the ERB, answering these 3 questions:
1. What went well for you?
2. What was difficult?
3. Do you have any questions about any of the math on the test?

Then we discussed Problem 3.1, Filling Fancy Boxes, which you can download here. Student groups made 4 prisms with an increasing number of sides out the same size sheet of paper, with equal height, and compared their volumes and surface areas in different ways. Some groups filled them with unit cubes, others filled them with beans or lentils, and others made measurements and calculations.

We found that the conjecture that the volume increases as the number of sides of the prism increases was correct. Tomorrow we will discuss what happens to the surface area. Class notes may be downloaded here (class 7A, class 7B).

ACE 3.1 Homework

Problems 1 and 23-25 on the handout, which you can download here.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18.

Students completed a reflection about the ERB, answering these 3 questions:
1. What went well for you?
2. What was difficult?
3. Do you have any questions about any of the math on the test?

Students worked with MaryBeth today on more about linear functions and equations, working on ACE 1.2, problems #3 h-j, 4, and 5 in Group A, and problems 3h-j and 4 in Group B. The problems can be downloaded here.

Goals for the class were:
1. To understand how rate shows up in a table and on a graph (the higher the rate, the steeper the line).
2. To write equations that can be used to calculate distance traveled in a given number of hours.
3. To use x and y as variables in the equation instead of d and t and understand why (independent and dependent variable).
4. To understand how rate shows up in an equation.
5. To solve equations for either x or y.

GROUP A: Additional Practice Investigation 1, problems 1-4 (which you can download here)
GROUP B: ACE #5 which you can download here; Additional Practice Investigation 1, problems 1-4 (which you can download here)

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18.

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